Give Yourself Permission

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Summer is a very energizing time of year for me. I find myself booking each weekend with adventures to the mountains, visiting friends and going to weddings around the country. During these busy months, part of me feels excited and content while another part of me feels chaotic and overwhelmed. I’ve noticed the latter has become more pronounced in recent years. I think this is because as I grow older I find myself craving more calmness and stability in my life. 

Taking this into account, I have been working on giving myself permission to decrease the amount of activities and trips I participate in. It is interesting how difficult this has been! I’ve learned that I struggle with #FOMO and end up overbooking myself without realizing. A handful of plans throughout the season suddenly turns into a jam packed calendar. This has sparked a realization that I need to be more intentional and mindful about my long-term wants and needs. 

Giving myself permission to say “no” is a confusing task and can be difficult to articulate in the moment. It is important that I be gentle with myself and not be too rigid about when and how often it happens. I want to remember that saying “no.” for self-care is different than saying “NO!” as a way to control or punish myself into change. I also want to remember that even though my goal is to say more “no,” that doesn’t mean I can no longer say “yes.” By using Self-Awareness I can bring to light these all-or-nothing thought patterns.

I challenge you to think about your rigid thought patterns. What are your tendencies and do they align with your values? How can you find a better balance in your life instead of hanging in the extremes? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below. 

Laura HoudComment