The Chinese Finger Trap

Remember the Chinese finger trap? You stick one finger in each end and suddenly you are stuck! Your immediate instinct is to pull your fingers apart to escape. But the more you do this the more trapped you become. Ironically, freedom comes from letting go of the fight - relax and you are released.

Sometimes in life, we find ourselves stuck. When anxiety or stress feels unbearable, our natural reaction is often to resist and fight harder. We pull more tightly on the Chinese finger trap, not realizing that we are only making it harder on ourselves.

It feels counter-intuitive, but sometimes we need to fully own and give into our struggle. Allow yourself to be “in it.” - like, “yes, I’m anxious AF today!”

Remind yourself that you are human, and sometimes being “in it” happens to humans. Sometimes you need to lean into the struggle and let it be so that you can be released.

Laura HoudComment