
I’ve always believed that in order to change, we must truly understand and see ourselves for who we are. We must be willing to look within and see all things, including (and especially) the things we don’t want to see or admit.

Though we know ourselves better than anyone else can, we spend a lot of time in life trying to suppress or overcompensate. We want to fit in. To succeed. We fear judgment and long for acceptance. Overtime we adapt and make choices that move us away from authenticity.

Losing yourself can feel painful and scary, but the possibility for rediscovery is real and within reach!

You can reconnect with yourself by Going Within. Utilizing #selfawareness#courage and #vulnerability as allies. Going Within can feel like a daunting task, but with the help of a trusted therapist you will gain the confidence to explore with curiosity.

#empowerment #authenticity and #selfacceptance are some of the many rewards you can expect to encounter as you #intraconnect I call this experience Flying Free.

Remember, you are in the drivers seat. You don’t have to go anywhere you don’t want to. But in order to obtain a life that is rich and meaningful, you need to ask yourself what risks you are willing to take. You do not need to fear yourself, especially if you have a supportive guide by your side.

Click the link in my bio to schedule a free phone consultation. It would be my honor to help you Fly Free! 🌻

Laura HoudComment