Don't Beat Yourself Up

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I’ve been doing my best to pause and reflect these past couple weeks. The emotional intensity is palpable and I’ve found it easy to get lost in tunnel vision.

When anxiety is high, it can be easy to turn inward and blame yourself - “why am I feeling this way?” - or blame others - “it’s your fault that I’m feeling this way.” But I think we all know the problem is bigger than that.

I think it’s safe to assume some anxiety is warranted right now. We are in a pandemic. Society is being flipped. We are fighting for change and social justice. Change is scary, painful, and uncertain. It is also empowering, nourishing and beautiful.

Change = vulnerability.

Great things can be in our future if we stand together. Not just now but for the long haul.

Cut yourself some slack. Help how you can and then step back and take care of yourself. Engaging and disengaging is like inhaling and exhaling - we need to do both in order to stay alive and afloat.

Ask yourself what you need this hour, this day, this week. Do you need to engage or disengage? Do you need to be kinder to yourself? Do you need to breathe?

Remember you have to take care of you before you can successfully care for others ❤️

Laura HoudComment