Embrace Your Uniqueness

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Comparing yourself to others is natural. It’s a survival instinct. But at what point does self comparison start to infringe on your identify, personal security and self worth?

We live in a society that breeds and feeds on insecurity. We are constantly told that we should look more like supermodels, and there are several multi billion dollar industries to back that up.

Aside from appearances, we also frequently compare our intelligence, financial status, social abilities, career, relationships, you name it. Why are we so focused on being like others rather than building up ourselves?

Somewhere along the way in life (sometimes very early on) we lose trust in who we are. This may stem from the behavior of your parent, a bully, or other negative experiences that put your self worth in question.

But here’s the thing. Nobody really knows what they are doing. The person or people you are comparing yourself to are not perfect. No one is. We are all unique and complicated individuals. Nobody holds all the answers. The answer is unique to you, and the only way to find it is to look within.

Going within takes courage. You must be willing to take notice of your thoughts, feelings and behaviors honestly. You must be willing to step away from other people and vulnerably make decisions that are yours and yours alone. Doing this will not only give you confidence and independence, but will bring forward your authentic identity that you’ve been missing for so long.

Empowerment, authenticity and self acceptance await behind your uniqueness. Get curious. Explore and befriend yourself. This is intraconnection in all its glory. 

How can you start to embrace your uniqueness? Share your ideas in the comments below👇🏻👇🏼👇🏽👇🏾👇🏿

Laura HoudComment