That Which We Manifest Is Before Us


Sometimes it feels like life is just happening to us. Especially now. We are in a pandemic. We are in the midst of social and political uproar. The injustices of our society are demanding attention. Mother Nature is screaming at us. The future is unknown and the present moment can feel chaotic.

Beyond current times, we tend to feel this way in our personal lives as well. When life gets difficult and we are faced with important decisions, we often allow fear and shame to sit in the drivers seat. We are afraid of the unknown, of failure, of rejection.

But we forget that avoidance is still a choice and by choosing that path we are choosing to step away from our full potential.

Like it or not, we are creating our own destiny. Moment by moment. We can chose the path of ignorance and remain on autopilot, or we can choose the path of intention and Go Within.

As you might imagine, Going Within requires more effort than remaining on autopilot. You’ll need to invite #selfawareness #courage and #vulnerability into your daily experience. You will feel more fear and discomfort but the reward is grand. By taking control and responsibility for yourself you invite #empowerment#authenticity and #selfacceptancealong with a sense of ease and confidence in yourself. This is Flying Free.

If you are the creator of your own destiny, than you get to determine what happens next. The choice is yours⚡️

PS: this quote is taken from The Art of Racing in the Rain, which is my favorite book of all time. It is a beautiful depiction of the human experience told by the perspective of a dog. If you want to laugh and cry your eyes out, I highly recommend it. *** I DO NOT recommend the movie 😉🐶

Laura HoudComment