Turning Pro

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I read a great book this week. It was so good and so short that I actually read it twice!

Turning Pro is about facing your fears and leaning into your passions and purpose. It is about connecting to who you really are and leaning into the fear of failure, success, and ultimately your true calling.

This book, in its essence, is about authenticity. As humans, we crave authenticity and simultaneously shudder away from it. We are terrified to be ourselves and to live out our full potential. Steven labels this as the struggle between the amateur and professional, or the addict and the artist.

There is an artist and professional within all of us - but our amateur/addict self tend to dominate. They turn us away from our authentic purpose and towards instant gratification, distraction and avoidance - leaving us to feel dissatisfied and disconnected. The artist/professional demands action and responsibility. There is no easy way out. It’s about feeling the fear and doing it anyway. True authenticity is hard work!

If you want to understand your internal barriers and get clear on how you can be a better you, I highly recommend this book. It’s simple and direct - no BS.

If you’ve read this book already, I’d love to hear how it impacted you!

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Laura HoudComment