Your Intuition


Who needs to hear this right now? 🙋🏼‍♀️

Throughout life we search and search for answers and direction. Where do I go next? Should I take the new job? Should I risk it all for the new relationship? Should I confront my boss/parent/spouse/friend about what’s been bothering me?

We often look outside of ourselves to answer these questions. We ask others’ opinions and we research. We also engage in distractions or looks for highs that help us avoid the stress of making a decision.

Deep down we all know that only we hold the power to know what is best for us. But to fully let go and trust that we will make the right decision? Terrifying.

How can you begin to let go and trust that you know the way? How can you learn to follow your intuition?

Unfortunately there is no simple solution. But there are great steps we can take to increase self-compassion and understanding - both which are essential if we are to learn to trust ourselves: 

1. Start a journal: the more you write down your thoughts, feelings and experiences, the more you can connect the dots of your inner world and make choices that feel authentic 

2. Mindfulness: engaging in some form of present-moment-awareness-practice can help you feel grounded and distant from the constant noise in your head. Yoga, meditation, and focusing on the your 5 senses are all great ways to feel more open, grateful and relaxed.

3. Challenge your inner critic: have you noticed how you talk to yourself? Is your inner voice kind and optimistic or judgmental and bullying? Though there is this illusion that we can punish ourselves into productivity, there is evidence that this does more mental harm than good in the long term. Being kind and lifting yourself up offers opportunity to understand and take care of your own needs, which will ultimately lead to increased productivity and confidence. 

No one knows you better than you. Be curious. Explore. Trust yourself. You are what you’ve been looking for. 🧡

Laura HoudComment